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April 15, 2009

Jaime Foxx Berates Miley Cyrus

Jaime Foxx and his crew at the Foxxhole, his satellite radio show, launched into an expletive laced tirade about teen Disney star, Miley Cyrus, after a listener called in to complain about Cyrus dissing the band Radio Head. Click here to listen to the audio.

First, Foxx asked who Cyrus was, as if he didn't know. I'm not a fan of the young Cyrus, but everyone knows who the kid is by now because her image and music are everywhere. Then, he proceeded to make fun of her gums... too much gum and small teeth. Cyrus was called a "white bitch" ... did we have to go there with the race issue? We'd be enraged if a white person called one of our sistas a "black bitch" in a public forum. Foxx and friends said that she should "grow up and make a sex tape" (with her dad, someone chimed in). In addition, they said that 16-year old Miley should do drugs and "catch chlamydia from a bicycle seat"!

Foxx's comments are so distasteful because he is 41... much too old to come at a teen aged girl like that, especially since he has a teen aged daughter of his own. Had someone spoken about his child like that, I'm sure he'd want to fight (or kill, even). I realize that he is a comedian and is expected to say outlandish things to keep his fans tuned in, but come on, Jaime. Really? Like that?

American girls have bad enough images about themselves. Young ladies should be respected and taught to respect and love themselves. They should never be degraded in such an offensive manner. And think of the example that you're setting for young men who look up to you! I think you made quite a misstep, Mr. Foxx. I've always admired your tremendous talent to make us laugh through your comedy, move us with your music, and engage us with your acting ability. You're already on top, baby! There's no need to put this child down to pull yourself up even higher.

I don't even understand why the verbal attack took place. Are you close to the Radio Head band? What? Is Miley Cyrus not allowed to be disappointed because she was denied permission to meet them backstage? She probably should have kept her opinion of that incident to herself; but, still, she is entitled to voice her hurt and anger regardless of how overly ambitious her desire to "ruin" their career happened to be.

This was beneath you, Jaime. I hope someone will be able to post an audio of you apologizing. Are you man enough?

BTW, I did a post on this very subject (an adult demeaning a child) 27Jan08. I'm reposting the poem I included for those who need a refresher.

No Shame in My Name

Most of us answer to the name given to us at birth
Never equating it to our feelings of self worth
But what happens when we are called by the name of something
we could never be?
The result is that it slowly chips away at our image inwardly
Whether accosted in public or behind closed doors with a name less than adorable
The use of such a demeaning form of censure is simply deplorable
A young girl being called a “heifer” during her formative years
Will most likely be left with the “I’m not good enough” doubts and fears
And the “B word” is bantered about so effortlessly
That its use easily survives through multiple generations of the family tree
We all know the names young men are called, so they won’t be repeated here
The devastating effects are seen in their lack of respect for self and
others… it’s crystal clear
Let’s raise the next generation of children with love and respect, starting now
Don’t allow yourself to refer to any woman, young or old, as a cow
Refrain from equating people to animals or words intended solely to shame
When you refer to yourself, speak to and about others, and talk to
your children, call each person by his name
Allow love, acceptance, care and understanding to undulate in your
tone and sparkle in your eyes
You may not see an immediate effect but it will take root in their
souls and eventually rise
In turn, our children will learn to treat themselves and others they
encounter well throughout life
Begin the process at home. Never treat the stranger in the street
better than you treat your child, your husband, your wife
There are no human heifers, no human female dogs, and no
fatherless male child who should hang his head in shame
We claim to want the world to be a better place… let’s start by
calling each person by his or her rightful name

Sunida E. York © 2008 All Rights Reserved

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