Tyra Banks is nothing if not interesting. She loves to bring something different to her show. How about this... a website dedicated to married people who want to cheat? That's right.
The Ashley Madison Agency's trademarked motto is: Life is short. Have an affair. It boasts having over 2,950,000 "like minded members" as the "World's premier discreet dating service."
And you can join for free! Oh, joy! But wait... there's also a 100% guarantee that you WILL have an affair. Well, all of the faithful, non-cheating spouses must love the hell out of that! They can just leave their tedious love-making duties to someone else. It's like having a sex maid. You probably won't know about it, though, with everything being so discreet and secretive.
Ashley Madison must be what every loyal spouse has always wanted... someone to help their presumably unhappy (or down right greedy and selfish) other half step out on them without them having a clue.
For the record, Tyra was appalled by this practice. According to the site, the agency has also been featured on
Howard Stern,
Dr. Phil, and
Larry King. By the way, the owner is married and said he does not cheat. His wife said that she is not worried about him straying. In addition, the owner does not find anything wrong with providing this much needed service because the cheaters would do so without his help. And he is making a really good living from it. Ain't free enterprise in America grand? Yeah, baby. Do what you like! Don't worry about hurting your spouse, ruining your marriage, alienating your children, or setting a bad example for your children. None of that stuff will happen unless somehow the discreet factor fails and you get caught. Don't forget your raincoat!