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January 20, 2015

Saluting Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Original painting by Keith McLaurin
Today is the birthday of American icon of peace and unity, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  He was largely responsible for the level of cohesiveness and cooperation between the various races of our great nation.  When we salute Dr. King, we salute...

~Equality for all
~Decency and humanity
~Respect for all people
~Love for our fellow man
~Uplifting the downtrodden
~A united, stronger America
~Dignity and grace under disgraceful circumstances
~Courage in the face of overwhelming odds
~The promise of a better tomorrow
~Bravery in the throes of fear
~Miracles in the midst of maltreatment
~Hope in the headwind of despair
~The greatness of God in the poorest of circumstances
~The healing of America in spite of hatred and hostility
~Unity instead of unnecessary division
~A comforting embrace instead of angry confrontation

Please join me in honoring Dr. King and his extraordinary legacy today.