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October 14, 2013

Could Chromium Picolinate be the cure for Diabetes and aid in weight loss?

Millions of people suffer from diabetes, obesity or both and struggle to control these health issues. Either condition alone can be complicated but together, they can be overwhelming. So, patients often find themselves interested in  products claiming to be a cure for diabetes or the magic pill for weight loss. Yesterday, a tweet about another subject led me to a website with a link to the Diabetes Solution Kit - a cure - and it caught my attention. Once you click on the link, you are presented with a video, which is usually a red alert for me because you know the sales pitch is coming. Still, I watched it. Hey, if there's a cure for diabetes, I want to know about it. 

The video was repetitive, full of a lot of words - spoken and written - that really said a lot of nothing. The viewer is urged time and again to watch the video to the end. I was unable to find a pause button, or any button for that matter, so that I could stop the video and return to it later. Yes, this was by design to keep viewers glued to the screen. The video was long, boring and tedious. And just as expected, it all led up to a the speaker trying to sell books (download or download and printed) to those hoping to find a "cure" for diabetes. What exactly is this miracle cure? Cinnamon and Chromium Picolinate. Sure, everyone's heard of and has eaten cinnamon in some recipe or other. You may have even heard of Chromium. But what the heck is Picolinate?

I couldn't answer that question but I know how to Google it. What I found was not good and that was not surprising. Read the article - be warned, it is long and tedious as well but much more forthcoming with interesting and useful facts. I believe that you will come to a similar conclusion as the one I reached. Chromium Picolinate is not a a cure for diabetes and it is a health risk. There are better ways to control your blood sugar level, including adding cinnamon and other spices and foods to your diet, increasing exercise, getting the proper amount of sleep, and reducing the amount of sugar (refined and natural) taken in daily. Fruits should be thought of as sweet treats or dessert and eaten in moderation. There are a few vegetables, such as carrots, that fall into this category as well because of the large amount of natural sugar they contain. Drink at least two (2) liters of water a day. That equals approximately four (4) 16.9 oz bottles of water.

My search of Dr.Oz's website did not yield any information on Chromium Picolinate but I did find this helpful slide show about foods one should eat to lower the blood sugar and lower body weight. Try these foods to Eat Yourself Skinny. There are even some recipes to try.  

Always take the time to investigate any claims of "cures" or above average results of any supplement as they are not  regulated by the FDA.

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