Welcome to Suni Daez!

Miscellaneous musings...
Random writing...
Everything under the sun!

June 12, 2013

Have you ever?

* Decided to be happy rather than wait for happiness to somehow find you?

* Walked through that opening, no matter how small, to claim your destiny?

* Gone out of your way to help someone again, even though you knew it would not be  

* Woken up with a smile on your face?

* Asked God for help with a "right now" problem and He sent it right away?

* Spoken a word of encouragement to someone going through a rough time?

* Been  greeted by a brilliant rainbow at the very moment your hope was dwindling?

* Prayed a good prayer for someone you don't like and expected and believed that God
   would grant that miracle?

* Been judged by someone who did the same or worse? Were you the one who judged?

* Decided to keep your integrity rather than "go along to get along"?

* Followed through on your marvelous idea only to be disappointed?

* Been the kind stranger the hungry, broke person waiting outside of a restaurant had
   hoped would come along?

* Felt awkward because you didn't get the joke or comprehend the coded talk?

* Paid a few bucks for a random customer who came up short at checkout?

* Tried to be at least a speck of light to pierce someone's darkness?

Copyright © 2013 Sunida E. York

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