Welcome to Suni Daez!

Miscellaneous musings...
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May 23, 2013

When was the last time?

Is there something that you enjoy doing that you haven't done in a long time? Remember, tomorrow is not promised to any of us.  Do the things that make you happy and be 
considerate of others so that the good karma catches up to you.

Peace, love, and blessings!

When was the last time you?
-- Sang along with your favorite song even if you can't carry a tune?
-- Turned off the television and picked up a good book?
-- Ran a hot bath, climbed in and enjoyed a long soak?
-- Hugged your child?
-- Expressed appreciation for a job well done?
-- Stood up for someone who was incapable of doing it for herself or himself?
-- Took your spouse on a date?
-- Visited an elderly person?
-- Swallowed your pride and asked for or accepted a helping hand?
-- Watched the sun set or rise?
-- Gave someone a gift "just because"?
-- Smiled at someone?
-- Took a moment just for you?
-- Prayed for someone  other than yourself?
-- Slept in?
-- Released the guilt and forgave yourself or someone else?
-- Realized the fact that you are beautiful, worthy, talented, desirable, and valuable?
-- Laughed so hard, you were out of breath and your stomach hurt?
-- Inspired someone?
-- Danced even if you have no rhythm?
-- Conquered a fear?
-- Paid a good deed or blessing forward?
-- Savored a sweet moment?

Copyright © 2013 Sunida E. York

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