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January 2, 2013

It's a brand New Year! What are you going to do with it?

Happy 2013!!!  2012 is now a memory and you have a brand-spanking new year in front of you.  What will you do with it? Perhaps you'll find a new job to replace the one you dread going to.  Hey, if you get a headache just driving into the parking lot, it's probably time to find a new way to earn a paycheck.  Maybe this year you'll finally get yourself organized and throw out all of the old stuff you've been hanging onto in case you need it one day.  Seriously, if you haven't needed it during 2012 and all of the previous years, it's doubtful that you'll ever need it again.  Will this be the year you become an entrepreneur, work the kinks out of your invention, go Hollywood or just get that divorce you've been wanting? Whatever it is that causes your heart to beat a little faster or your mind race at the thought of doing it, I truly hope that 2013 will be your year!

Many of us did not accomplish all of the important things we had on our "To Do" lists, so you are in good company there.  However, none of us wish to stay in that sphere.  We all want to be successful, clear that list of things to do, and do a George Jefferson --- move on up.

With the economy kicking our butts at every turn - rising prices and falling employment opportunities - it will not be easy to remain positive.   And, of course, any failures of 2012 could continue to dampen our enthusiasm and make us hesitate to jump back into the fray.  Sitting on the sidelines won't make things any better; to accomplish anything, we must do the work.

So, what's on my list that I haven't done?  Well, it has quite a few items but there are two major things that I want to finish this year.  The first thing that I'd like to scratch off of my list is finishing my first novel that I began six (yes, 6) long years ago.  Why didn't I finish? Well, it wasn't writer's block but more like life block .  I could give you a long list of reasons, excuses or what have you, but it was simply life.   We all have obstacles in life that effectively keep us separated from some level or form of success we're hoping to achieve.  I was unable to remove the obstacles - and believe me, I tried my damnedest.  Consequently, I failed to finish my novel even though I am almost done. But we all know that almost doesn't count.  So, 2013 arrived at midnight to find Yalaena Live!  still incomplete.

The next item on the list that does not have a line drawn threw it is making a demo so that the fantastic lyrics I write can be pitched to an established producer like Vincent Herbert, Andre Harrell, L.A. Reid, or Corte Ellis.  My dream as it pertains to the music business is to hear my songs being sung by Mariah, Mary J, Tamar, Jennifer Hudson, Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood, etc.  It's as though I can hear what you're thinking - do I really think my lyrics are that good? I absolutely do. My lyrics have depth. They are not the fluff being played these days.  My songs are for people who really blow, baby!  So, why haven't I made a demo?  No music to accompany my lyrics and no funds for studio time.  Sounds simple enough but these are hurdles that must be jumped and I can't seem to clear them.  You guessed it... 2013 found me with my songs incomplete.

One thing that the new year found me with is faith.  I still believe that I can finish Yalaena Live! and find a way to get my music done.  I've been struggling for many years now to defeat the problems that have been plaguing me but that in itself could be the problem.  The answer could be as simple as finding a way around the obstacles instead of trying to completely rid myself of them.  There are some things that cannot be eradicated but they can be bypassed or maneuvered around.  You can't move the mountain, but you can climb it.   You can't remove the river, but you can find a way across it.  You get the idea.

While the new year does not bring with it a new, clean slate, it does bring the opportunity to get back to the task of making your dreams come true.   Work on it, no matter what "it" happens to be,  every chance you get.  When fear and/or doubt intrude as uninvited and unwanted guests, cut their visit short and keep working.   Become just selfish enough to make your projects priorities instead of options.  Do the necessary to obtain the elusive.

2013 is our year!  I'm claiming it for me and especially for you!

With love,

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