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November 30, 2010

Holiday weight gain meets The 17 Day Diet

Today, guests of the Dr. Phil show who have struggled to lose unwanted pounds were introduced to a new ally in their ongoing battle with the bulge. Dr. Mike Moreno jumped into the fray with his 17 Day Diet program. Noting that most people reach a plateau while dieting, a point at which they stop losing weight, Dr. Moreno asserted that this is not the case with the 17 Day Diet. In addition, it is not necessary to "trick" or "confuse" the body so that weight loss can continue.

This new program does include a cleansing phase but it does not require users to use liquids only (like juicing) or to take supplements.  Instead, dieters eat real food. The body's metabolism is reset or activated as when a weight lifting program is started. The program also incorporates a Hunger Fullness Meter to help deter dieters from over eating.

Dr. Moreno advises those who want to lose weight during the holidays to "pre-diet" by going on the 17 day cycle to drop the pounds before the holidays.  He also gave the following tips for holiday party goers.

  ---  Eat a healthy dinner before going to the party
  ---  Choose only 2-3 of the healthiest appetizers
  ---  Don't hang around the buffet table
  ---  Just say no to prepacked holiday candies and cookies

Remember that the brain takes 8-12 minutes to register what you have already consumed, so you may not feel full or satisfied with the amount of food you've eaten right away. If you are not certain that you are ready to commit to a new diet, visit the Dr. Phil website to take a quiz he's designed to help you decide.

The 17 Day Diet book is currently available only through Dr. Moreno's website, which has recipes and other helpful tools.

Happy dieting! 

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