The New Birth Baptist Church congregation erupted in thunderous applause in support of their pastor. Those willing to speak to reporters upon leaving the service said that they believed Bishop Long and would stand by him.
CNN anchor Fredricka Whitfield spoke with CNN correspondent Martin Savidge about Long's speech as well as Shayne Lee
Even before watching Long's televised speech to his parishioners, it has been my opinion that the young men who have bravely come forward to reveal their ordeal are telling the truth and Bishop Long should stand boldly on the truth of who he really is, a smart, calculating, and patient pedophile who waited until his prey was of the age of consent to avoid criminal charges. His speech only served to further cement my beliefs.
Those reading this post will undoubtedly accuse me of being judgmental. Absolutely! As a pastor, this man has stood in judgment of people every Sunday telling them what actions and methods of living are sinful and instructing them on how to conduct themselves. Why should he not be held accountable and to a higher standard given his position as a leader? He knew from the moment he conceived the notion of taking advantage of those young men that he was in violation of the very religious teachings he so charismatically belted out weekly. He knew in his heart, where no man can hide from his true self, that he enjoyed the same homosexual activity that he so loudly declared to be morally and religiously wrong. It is simply ludicrous to think that the same biblical principles and societal customs should not be adhered to by Bishop Long.
And yes, I said that those young men are brave... because they are. Who are they in the eyes of society? Have you ever heard their names mentioned before this report was made public? Still, they were willing to subject themselves to untold scrutiny, anger, and ostracism to take on a man with a tremendous public platform who has more wealth, powerful connections, and influence than they may even dare dream of having in their lifetime. Yet, they came forward to expose a well insulated predator. They should be celebrated by responsible parents everywhere.
I am the parent of a teenage male and if we were members of that church, I would be actively questioning him as to whether or not he was ever approached by this pastor in the manner described in the lawsuits. As parents, we sometimes focus so much on having our children become independent and self-sufficient that we unwittingly throw them to the wolves presenting themselves as sheep (or in this case, shepherds) to our society. We need to realize that it is not a crime to be an active participant in our child's life. Rather, it is a necessity to protect them from the wolves of humanity waiting for the opportunity to devour them. Instead of being there for Bishop Long, the members of his congregation should be standing with these men on their treacherous journey in search of justice, the release of the burden and pain endured over the years under the weight of such a heavy secret and the ever elusive peace of mind.
I challenge the members of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church to be judgmental and demanding of their bishop in defense of children in their congregation. Save them from the monster in the $4,000 suit as they are too naive and vulnerable to protect themselves. It is your duty as a parent, as an official of the church, or even just as an adult who is better equipped to stand in opposition of another adult. The church should be a refuge instead of the hostile environment it's leader has turned it into for those men.
Please read "A Sermon for Bishop Eddie Long" by Craig Washington. I came across it as I searched for applicable links for my own post. He is a far better writer than I and puts forth a compelling case for church goers everywhere to refrain from idolizing pastors. They are as human as the rest of us. While that is often spoken as a first defense for their immoral, criminal or just plain bad behavior, it is not a viable excuse to allow them to remain on a pedestal after they've severely abused their position and power while their victims continue to be abused by the unfair judgment and condemnation heaped upon them because they dare to try to pull back the veil and reveal the identity of their tormentor. And torment is what these men will endure for years to come even if their allegations are proven and upheld in court. Are you standing by and protecting the predator?
Bishop Long, it's your time... time to be truthful about who you really are and what you've done. You've been called out and you know that you cannot stand on a lie. If you used your power, influence, and wealth to betray your duties as the church bishop and prod young, impressionable and vulnerable teenagers to engage in homosexual activity with you, you need to be the leader and man you claim to be and own it. It's time.
Enjoyed reading your perspective on this. Some very valid points were made, most which will sadly be missed by those of us who are either one side of the fence or the other in regards to the Bishop's innocence. I'm saddened that the black church is till pretending as if this is something that doesn't happen in our house....Or that people feel that you can't be homosexual and still be able to minister and lead people to Christ. Its sad, that if the allegations are true, then whatever work Bishop Long did that was positive for the community will be overshadowed by the fact that he committed these acts. My prayer is that all parties involved will seek counseling in regards to their views about their sexuality and how though they are not perfect, their sexuality or those with a sexuality you may not agree with, does not make them exempt from experiencing God's love or being effective servants of his will. For all the bibliophiles who will comment that homosexuality is a sin and an abomination in God's eyes, need to be reminded that God used deviants such as Moses(murderer, bastard), David(murderer,adulterer,alcoholic,etc....), Mary Magdalene(prostitute) and even Jesus himself(though he was perfect and never committed sin, he still did not come in the form nor did he do the things that was expected of him being "The Savior", which totally pissed off the religious leaders(Pharisees and Saducees)) to promote and spread his word. So I said all of this to say, that yes the Bishop should be punished accordingly if he did commit these crimes. If it means that he has to step away from his ministry so that he can deal with his own issues of and about sexuality and if he can still be effective in ministry as a sinning individual. Once again I pray for the men who have been affected by this travesty and that they continue to build a relationship with God and not let these incidences tear down their faith, but build it up so that they can still allow their light to shine and be used by God. Just my two cents. My apologies for if I'm not grammatically
Thanks for posting your comments (which are not scrutinized for grammatical correctness, by the way). I'm sure that many will disagree with my point of view but I am passionate about protecting our children. Like you, I think it's a shame that any church or other aspect of society would pretend that children and some adults who are vulnerable because of their circumstances are not victimized. About a week ago, three teachers were arrested in South Carolina for having sex with their teenage students and some of the kids were supplied with alcohol. People who like to prey on children put themselves in positions that allow them access to them (teachers, coaches, youth ministers, etc.). Until we wake up to that fact and start paying attention, asking questions, and taking appropriate action when necessary, our children will be at risk. The type of psychological and emotional trauma it causes often leaves a lifelong scar. No child deserves that.I will never understand why people are quick to come to the defense of the adult rather than the child. Although they are adults now, they were children when this occurred. Even if they prevail in court and win a decent settlement, money will not benefit them as much as people might think. One cannot put a price on sanity, peace of mind and having a proper sense of one's identity. I'm sure they suffered through a period of confusion regarding their own sexuality if they were not inclined to engage in sexual activity with men prior to this happening to them. I'm glad that you brought up the need for counseling because I'm sure that it could be useful to them. I join you in praying for them.
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