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February 25, 2008

Burn, Rachael, Burn!

If you read the Flat Belly Diet post, then you know that I like to watch the Rachael Ray show. Those who know me might find that a bit odd since I am not much of a cook.

That's what the show is all about. Rachael simplifies recipes and makes cooking seem so easy and fun that even a not-so-hot cook like myself feels that she can do it, too. Having interesting products, books,celebrities and animals on the show goes a long way as far as holding my attention as well.

Samuel L. Jackson made a guest appearance the other day. He's one of my all time favorite actors! Yeah, baby! He makes you believe that he is whatever character he is playing.

Back to Rachael... her show is light-hearted,informative and gives daily options for what to make for dinner. I haven't actually tried any of the recipes but I'll bet I could make a mean whatever whenever I decided to do it.

You all know that I write poetry when I'm inspired. Rachael, this one's for you.

Burn, Rachael, Burn

Endowed with a penchant to cook
She can truly say that she wrote the book
Actually, she wrote several and has done numerous television shows
The pint-sized cheerleader for food draws a crowd wherever she goes

Hot with talent, Chef Rachael Ray can really burn in the kitchen
To sample her culinary delights, her fans are always itchin’
Chez Ray, other chefs have nothing on you!
In addition to learning to cook, your audience can meet celebrities
and a strange animal or two

Down to earth and lovable, never stiff or aloof
You love your fans and what you do. Your passion and enthusiasm
provide daily proof
As long as you serve it up, fans will continue to dine
Enjoy the well deserved success, Rach! It’s your time to shine.

Sunida E. York ©2008 All Rights Reserved

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