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January 15, 2008


Fibromyalgia is a syndrome characterized by widespread pain and chronic fatigue. Patients describe all-over body pain (neck, back, shoulders, arms, legs, and joints) because the syndrome affects the soft-tissue and muscle, thereby encompassing the entire body. There are several associated illnesses as well. These include arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, allergies, headaches (including migraines, and TMJ (temporal mandibular joint dysfunction). Patients can suffer from some or all of the associated illnesses. Difficulty sleeping, soreness and stiffness are problems as well.

My ordeal with Fibromyalgia began in my early twenties. Doctors do not know what causes this syndrome and some even deny that it exits. Those of us who suffer with the debilitating effects know that the pain and fatigue are extremely real.

I was sent a link to a post on another writer's blog with an article on the subject of whether Fibromyalgia is real (www.innthebasement.com). It related the fact that people with the syndrome are often labeled "crazy". The only thing that's crazy is that this illness ravages the bodies of millions, yet it is still not taken seriously because no doctor can take a biopsy and put it under a microscope for viewing. Well, that doesn't make it any less real, excruciating or tiresome. People with Fibromyalgia are truly suffering and need help.

If you'd like to learn more about Fibromyalgia, there are many websites that are excellent resources, such as www.fibrohope.org.

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