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February 15, 2008

American Idol - Season 7

I've been hooked on American Idol since it began. There's just something intoxicating about people being so willing to embarrass themselves on national television for a shot at stardom. I love it! It's part comedy, part drama and completely entertaining.

Usually, the contestants who brag the most end up being the ones who can't sing a note. What's truly baffling is that the vast majority of them are accompanied by family and friends who are as deluded as the contestant is about his or her singing prowress. Come on, people! You are not doing these folks any favors by withholding the truth about their lack of singing talent. Point out to your little buttercup where her true talent lies and then gently break the news that she is so not Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston or whomever she thinks she sounds like. Trust me, that is much kinder than having her be immortalized in a clip of the worst American Idol auditions.

On to the judges... Paula and Randy are cool. Paula obviously dreads hurting anyone's feelings. She's quite adept at finding something positive to replace the comments that are really running through her mind. Too bad your face and laughter say it all, Straight Up! Randy speaks the truth but he's rather nonchalant which lends an air of smoothness. The contestants are not as likely to be upset with his delivery method versus say... Simon.

Simon, you get your own paragraph because I like you no matter what anyone else thinks! Really, y'all... there's something sexy about his accent and honesty. He and I usually pick the same contestants who are deserving of a shot at Hollywood fame. There are a few times that we differ but I can forgive his mistakes. He's only human. And I'm kinda groovin' on the peak at his softer side that's emerged this season. I wouldn't have a problem with seeing that up close and personal. Hey, if the contestants can make a fool of themselves on national tv, why can't I do it via the Internet? I'm just saying, dude. If the question was, "Is Simon Cowell sexy?" My answer would be, "Yes! Put him on a pin-up calendar." I love chocolate but I think I could handle a little vanilla. Simon, you bold Brit, call me.

Enough foolery! To all of the contestants, sing your azz off! Be in it to win it! It takes a lot of heart and guts to get up there in front of America to showcase your talent. Many of us could not do it. Do you, baby! I'm looking forward to a ride on the American Idol contest roller coaster. Yeah, Dawg!

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