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April 13, 2009

Steve Harvey, is he helping women or a hypocrite?

Undoubtedly, you've heard about or even purchased and read comedian and radio talk show host Steve Harvey's new book, Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man. He's been on all the television talk shows promoting it, including Oprah and Tyra. The book has risen to the top of the New York Times bestseller list, before he appeared on Oprah.

Harvey has been touting his book as something to help women because he wants women to be armed with the right information from a man's perspective with regards to relationships. His own relationships are being dissected on the Internet in one blog or another. All one has to do is Google Steve Harvey or Steve Harvey book to find links to blogs where his fans and critics are immersed in a battle of words over the book. Many feel that the entertainer is unqualified to give serious advice to women considering the fact that he has been married three times and the second Mrs. Harvey, Mary, is currently suing their former attorney for conning her in the divorce settlement and the affidavit is rife with allegations against Harvey for everything from cheating and spousal abuse to child neglect and abandonment. Harvey supporters think that the sometimes-funny-man is sincere in his quest to assist women in the art of deciphering man-speak. Other readers believe it's just another method of making money. Men have dropped by the blogs to insist that he does not speak for them and that they would never behave in the manner described by Harvey. People have even brought up the severed friendship between Harvey and deceased comedian Bernie Mac. The rumor is that Harvey's dirty dealings killed that relationship.

The BEST BLOG on this controversy, by far (and when I say "by far," I mean by miles and miles, people) is Phyllis V. Du'Gas Blog. Admittedly, I never heard of Phyllis Du'Gas before that fateful Google search; but, now that I have found her blog, I am a fan! I can tell you that you will be as well. She speaks with eloquence and truth. I say "speaks" rather than "writes" because her words seem to be alive and vocal. With that said, Phyllis includes a link to author and poet Sharon P. Carson, who wrote a book by the same title as Harvey's years earlier. There is much speculation as to whether her title, concept and format were copied (with some changes, of course) by Harvey and his camp. Of course, Harvey has denied the allegation.

Titles cannot be copyrighted. Remember the old saying,"there's nothing new under the sun"? Well, it's certainly true that more than one person can have the same idea, although there will most likely be some differences in how those ideas play out. And the excerpts from Ms. Carson's book that I've read online do seem quite different from what Harvey has to say. Perhaps that's because he's writing from a man's perspective and intentionally set about making his material as different as possible. Perhaps not. My opinion is that it's not close enough to be called "plagiarism". However, I do like what I've read of Carson's book better than what I've read of Harvey's. As a result, I feel that my precious funds would be better spent supporting Carson, who is a self-published author, than supporting a reputed self-absorbed comedian whose ego immensely out-weighs his talent. I'm not judging Harvey, here... I don't know him, I'm simply commenting on the posts I've read about him. I think he's okay as a comedian but there are others I like a lot more. I only listen to his show when I'm in my car because he's the only one on in the mornings in my area since Tom Joyner is no longer on the air here (miss you Tom, Sybil, J. Anthony Brown, and the whole crew). But let me tell you that I don't like it when he cuts off a guest who's speaking and they don't even get around to the reason the person is on the show (and he does this consistently) or he calls a woman a "heifer". The heifer thing really ticks me off! When I found out that he was coming to our area, I just didn't feel that he was funny enough for me to actually pay to see him. From some of the comments I've read and the crazy-hilarious Katt Williams video, I was right. And besides, Sharon is a poet and author, y'all. She didn't have to get another author to write for her.

I do have one question... who the hell turned Harvey's book into a PDF and didn't email me a copy?! Dayum! LOL. For anyone else who didn't get that email and doesn't want to pay, try your local library or sit in Barnes & Noble for a hot minute and get your read on.

The last thing I want to say to anyone looking for relationship advice is this: THINK FOR YOURSELF! You know whether you're being treated well or not. You know if the relationship is costing more than you can afford to pay from an emotional standpoint. It's okay to get other people's opinions, but remember that you are the one in the situation, not the person offering advice. You have to decide what's best for you. And if you believe in God or a higher power, talk to Him. He listens and answers prayers. It may not be the answer you want, but He will answer. And for heaven's sake, if you are in an abusive (physically, emotionally, whatever) relationship, don't let anyone talk you into staying. You can't whip my azz or cuss me out and put me down one minute and then tell me that you love me the next and everything's fine. Aw, hell no!! If that's you, girlfriend, get help and get out. Do it for you and your children if you have any. Oh, yeah, there are professional counselors who do this for a living and many of them are males who can give you the benefit of a male perspective as well. Someone mentioned Dr. Ronn Elmore on Phyllis' blog.

Don't forget to check out Phyllis V. Du'Gas and Sharon P. Carson.

Other Links:

Steve Harvey STOLE His Bestselling Book?!

Steve Harvey Book: more fat for the fire

The Savvy Sista: Sharon P. Carson Statement on Steve Harvey...

Steve Harvey's New Relationship Book

Katt Williams Spanks Steve Harvey

AverageBro Steve Harvey on the Foxxhole

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Girl, you hit the nail on the head but pounded Steve more softly than most would have done. Namely, I! lol "Sometimes funny" is so true, and I'll put it as "Horrible show host who disrespects the medium," also. Good thing you mentioned someone else wrote his book. That would require sitting down and clearly Steve's head is so full of helium he hardly comes down. Yeah, I can't take much relationship advice from someone who's been married thrice, either. Thanks for this one (amongst others) Suni Daez! Love, Angel