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August 27, 2013

Meet me at the intersection of OWN and Twitter!

Here is my personal invitation to you. Yes, YOU, sir;  YOU madam. Please, join me on Tuesday at 9:00 p.m. for the best way to enjoy a vice without actually engaging in the activity yourself. Let the cast of The Haves and The Have Nots do it for you. OWN's night time soap opera created by Tyler Perry is the thing that causes me to shut out the rest of the world for an hour, save my Twitter peeps.  That's why I asked you to meet me at the intersection of OWN and Twitter because I watch the show and tweet about it with other fans. A good time is had by all.

If you've never seen the show, I could recap the highs and lows for you but it would not measure up to watching the real thing. So, you'll just have to watch for yourself and experience the sheer elation this drama evokes. I don't want to be bothered when it's on. Really.

If you have been watching, I have a question for you. Which character gave you life, honey? Who is your favorite Have? Who is the Have Not you like to see most?

Yes, of course, I'm answering the questions.

Favorite Have: Katheryn Cryer.  Renee Lawless (@MsReneeLawless) is Katheryn Cryer. No flattering adjective phrases like "masterfully played" or "spectacular performance" are necessary. She embodies the character. That's the best compliment any actor can be given. Make me believe. I will repeat an earlier assertion that she reminds me of accomplished actress Kathy Bates in her portrayal of the matriarch in the Tyler Perry movie, The Family That Preys, just younger. I could not imagine anyone else playing Katheryn.

Honorable Mention: Have Veronica Harrington. Actress Angela Robinson gets on my last nerve as Veronica. So, she is certainly doing her job right. I can't stand a snob, so it's very easy to dislike Veronica. She takes snootiness to places it's never been before. She did show some sense of compassion in the last episode. I felt she used that nasty attitude she's always armed with for good that time. She redeemed herself last Tuesday night. Veronica actually made me proud, bougie heifer that she is. DO IT, Angela Robinson! Yes!

Favorite Have Not: Hanna Young. Crystal Fox (@Only1CrystalFox) gets my vote. Hanna is like me in many ways--- single parent, battling health issues, leans on God to get her through and wants the best for her children. Hanna is strong but not hard. No pretenses; she's just who she is. Her hair is natural and she wears a wig when she goes out. I'm going natural (again) and will probably need a wig when I venture out of the house. That's about where our similarities end.  I don't have her patience and I still cuss. Hey, I'm a work in progress just like you.

Honorable Mention:  Have Not Candace Young as interpreted by the incomparable Tika Sumpter (@iamtikasumpter). No one can refute the fact that Candace is the drama of the show. She is brash, bold and everything a true bad girl ought to be with a cherry on top! She is the bad girl that all good girls keep buried deep, deep inside for fear she will run amok and there will be no taming her once that level of freedom is experienced. Yes, Sumpter is that good. Better. Bet-ter!!!

And ladies, if you must have a little eye candy to keep you interested, Benny Young (Tyler Lepley) and Wyatt Cryer (Aaron O'Connell) have that covered. They are beautiful men. With big muscles and handsome faces you can't take your eyes off. I mean, if you like that kind of thing, girls. Um hm!

Come on! Tuesday. 9:00 p.m. EST. Virtual corner of OWN and Twitter. You'll be glad you came.