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December 18, 2007

Clinton Comes to Town!

Although it never rains on Suni Daez, the clouds can really put a damper on things. Illness prevented me from doing some important things this past weekend. That in turn has caused me to miss the appearance of the rock star of former Presidents, Bill Clinton.

Some people think that Hilary Clinton is making a mistake having him campaign for her. I think that having a rock star former President in her corner is a great asset. Use the hell out of that, Hilary! This country has gone to hell in a Republican handbasket. Hilary can put the brakes on it and turn it around. I only wish that I had been able to make it to any of President Clinton's appearances on his wife's behalf in South Carolina today. I would be hoarse by now because I would have been screaming louder than everyone else in support of the campaign that is Hilary.

However, I came across this hilarious video on YouTube that is just too funny not to share even if you are in favor of Hilary or Barack.

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