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February 18, 2010

Tiger's ready to roar. Does anyone care?

After many weeks of silence and hiding out, golfer extraordinaire Tiger Woods is ready to speak publicly about his infamous love life. Does anyone really care to hear what he has to say?

According to reports, Woods will be apologizing publicly before a small group that will include family, friends, and select media outlets. My opinion about his extra marital affairs is the same as it was about all the other high profile figures who have spoken publicly about such issues... that's between the golfer and his wife. As far as this member of the public is concerned, Elin has to deal with it in whatever way she chooses. The public is not married to Tiger and his dalliances with other women have no bearing on us.

Some may pose the following question. What about the fact that he pretended to have such a squeaky clean image in public while secretly serving it up to woman after woman for years? Don't put public figures on pedestals. Whether they are Hollywood celebrities, sports stand-outs, or political powerhouses, they are simply human just like the rest of us. Yes, they managed to take a talent and parlay it into a lucrative career that garnered them lots of attention, but at the end of the day they are just people.

Everyone knows some guy or other who has had countless women in and out of his bed. Most likely, he had affairs for a long time before the wife found out about his philandering. It's the same with Tiger with the exception that he was able to keep it under cover a lot more easily because he had the financial means to buy discretion and silence. If he had taken a different route and provided the mistress who spoke up with the money she requested, it's likely that his play house would still be standing.

So, what have we learned from Tiger's story? Cheaters... sometimes you have to pay to continue to play. However, the dirt you've done in the dark will eventually find daylight. Fans... don't be a fanatic because the celebrities you admire are just like you but luckier.

By the way, if you are interested in hearing the Tiger roar, tune in to his press conference on Friday, February 19th at 11:00 a.m. Although Mr. Woods' skills are very impressive, this member of the public is not a fan of golf or its players and therefore, was never disappointed by the fact that he turned out to be a mere man after all.


Comedian Angel said...

Tell 'em girl! I so agree with you. It's his and Elin's business. Why on Earth should anyone else be mad or care at all unless you're one of those people who Praise people instead of our Creator.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Translation... (1)The power of imagination, even greater than knowledge (2)Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Steave said...

I don't know about all but I don't care about him any more...

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