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January 23, 2008

Tips on Protecting Your Identity

Today, a newsletter from Military.com arrived in my inbox. One of the articles was about protecting your Social Security number and protecting against identity theft. You've probably heard these tips before, but they are listed below as a reminder.

Do not carry your Social Security card, passport or
birth certificate in your wallet.

Cancel any credit cards you do not use.

Do not share your Social Security number (SSN) when it is not necessary.

Remove your name from the marketing lists of the three primary
credit bureaus by calling 1-888-5OPT-OUT.

Request a copy of your Social Security Personal Earnings and
Benefit Estimate Statement at least every three years to make
sure the information in your file is correct.

Be aware of what is on your credit report. Obtain your report once
or twice a year to be sure it is correct.

A little vigilance now might save you some trouble later on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post. One point to list is that it is not always advisable to cancel a credit card not in use. Use discretion in this determination, as financial advisers recommend looking into whether it will change your FICO score if you cancel. So, be diligent in decisions concerning all financial matters.

Keep up the great work, Nida!!